The COP9 Team and Dr. Stephanie Zwilinger keep on telling you: your eyes health matters! As time goes, the field of vision decline. That’s why it’s important to get tested on a regular basis: impaired eyesight or hereditary ocular disease can be the cause. But what kind of visual disturbances can cause the vision to decrease? You’re about to find out 4 of them in this article!

field of vision decline

The peripheral field of vision decline: the glaucoma

Glaucoma is an ocular disturbance associated with ocular hypertension, which means the intraocular pressure (or IOP) is higher than normal. As we get older, the trabeculum, fibrous tissue, is less efficient when it comes to resorbing the aqueous humor: as a result, it weakens the optical nerve. Besides, being diabetic or having a high blood pressure increases the risk of chronic glaucoma.

The field of vision decline little by little, with an increased loss of peripheral vision in time.  

There are two forms of glaucoma:

Chronic open-angle glaucoma is more frequent, with a prevalence of 80 to 90%. If Not treated, the fibers linking retina to the brain will degenerate in people affected with this ophthalmic alteration.

Acute angle-closure glaucoma, rarer, will affect patients with other ophthalmic pathologies such as hyperopia (farsightedness) or cataract. In this case, the field of vision decline quickly and can cause a loss of vision and total blindness in 48 hours. 

If you ever feel this symptom, the COP9 team and Dr. Stephanie Zwillinger invite you to promptly consult ophthalmologic emergencies

The field of vision decline, with a haze: the cataract

You feel like a haze in front of your eyes and your field of vision progressively deteriorates… It might be the cataract

Cataract is the normal aging process of the crystalline lens, which causes an ocular disturbance. As such, it is age related and, in most cases, this visual deficiency manifests after the age of 60. However, other circumstances or medical background can cause its appearance earlier:

The crystalline lens opacifying leads the photoreceptors to perceive colors and contrasts with less accuracy. As it evolves slowly, patients affected with cataract feel like a darkening haze but also photophobia.

Without proper ophthalmological cares, the patient can lose sight. That’s why it’s important to consult an ophthalmologist on a regular basis, so do not forget to make an appointment!

The field of vision decline after your 40’s: the presbyopia

This visual disturbance is age related: presbyopia often starts to manifest in the 40’s and result in a near vision deterioration.

As for farsightedness, the image will form not in the center, but at the back of the retina. The aging of the hardened lens causes accommodation difficulties (the eye loses its ability to focus).

This gradual degeneration in visual acuity is the source of this vision deterioration. It can cause a daily uncomfort such as:

COP9 team informs you this lens and its capsule deterioration is one of ocular illnesses that touches everyone! Whether you have an excellent sight or you already suffer from a visual problem (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism…) do not forget to get tested when you reach your 40’s!

The field of vision decline after your 50’s: the AMD

You have a feeling of blurriness? Difficulties to read? Chronic headaches? After 50, you can be affected by a vision disturbance known as AMD. To diagnose this macular degeneration, it is necessary to pass a screening with your ophthalmologist.

Patients with a classic AMD experience a deterioration in the central vision. Around 8% of the French population in their 50’s is allegedly affected. 

In the most serious cases, we can observe:

If you are facing this kind of situation, we kindly invite you to urgently consult your ophthalmologist.
However, other pathologies can cause a field of vision decline, as we will soon see. In the meantime, do not hesitate to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to check our news. You will find more information to understand vision at any age!

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