Children with ASD in ophthalmology : our care

Children with ASD in ophthalmology : a specialized COP9

In this article, we will show you one of our specialties: the care of children with ASD in ophthalmology. Based on Dr. Stéphanie Zwillinger’s will, in order to make care accessible to everyone, COP9 brings a personalized solution to children affected with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Continue to read to understand the link between the vision and ADSs, how to screen and put a therapeutic project in motion.

Children with ASD in ophthalmology :


children with ASD in ophthalmology explanations

L’équipe du Dr Stéphanie Zwillinger attire votre attention sur le fait qu’il est maintenant d’usage de dire troubles du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) afin de mieux représenter l’éventail des différents types de troubles neuro-développementaux.

Le TSA se caractérise par des altérations qualitatives dans le domaine des relations sociales et de la communication (verbale/non-verbale), avec des comportements stéréotypés et répétitifs, et des intérêts restreints. bObservé dès la jeune enfance, les troubles autistiques touchent environ 650 000 personnes en France.

Des troubles visuels subtiles, comme le traitement de la vision de bas niveau (qui traite le contraste, la couleur, la direction, l’orientation et la vitesse) ne sont pas toujours dépistés chez les enfants TSA en ophtalmologie. 

  • Des études récentes démontrent la présence d’autres troubles de la perception visuelle, comme :
  • des troubles de la vision chromatique ;
  • une vision en champ périphérique anormale ;
  • des troubles du contrôle oculomoteur.

Ces anomalies peuvent être la cause des troubles d’interactions sociales et communicationnelles. Il est donc important de faire consulter dès le plus jeune âge les enfants TSA en ophtalmologie en prenant rendez-vous auprès d’un ophtalmologue spécialisé, comme le Dr Stéphanie Zwillinger.

Children with ASD in ophthalmology can show abnormalities, or atypia, of basic oculomotor functions, such as saccade or smooth pursuit.

For young patients like them, saccade lacks accuracy. Our ophthalmologist can analyze them from their speed, range, accuracy and latency. During these tests, children with ASD show a high variability in latency and speed.

Smooth pursuit matches the eyes tracking a moving subject. People with autism lack this visual skill. Results when examining the field of vision suggest there are subtle abnormalities of the oculomotor function, especially when it comes to:

  • accuracy;
  • maintaining visual attention in time; 
  • smooth pursuit.

However, smooth pursuit deficit cannot be linked to the speed and latency of saccades. One ocular atypia doesn’t necessarily lead to another.

2 abnormalities seen

in children with ASD in ophthalmology

children with ASD in ophthalmology abnormalities

Screening children with ASD in ophthalmology

We perform many ophthalmologic exams in our COP9 practice, in order to identify visual function disorder in children with ASD. We want to reassure you as to the nature of these exams: they are painless, quick and performed in your presence. Our ophthalmologist will, during your appointment:


  • identify visual control disorders;
  • analyze the visual perception;
  • evaluate the eye contact quality


It is necessary to screen children with ASD in ophthalmology as early as possible. The purpose is to offer the child a personalized ophthalmologic follow-up and avoid negative repercussions on his psychomotor development. 

At the end of this complete visual exploration, our pediatric ophthalmologist, Dr. Stéphanie Zwillinger, will be able to put a specific reeducation in motion, which will aim to:

  • reduce perception difficulties;
  • increase the analysis and comprehension of the world surrounding the child with ASD;
  • work on the interactions and integration with him or her.

A therapeutic project

for children with ASD in ophthalmology

A whole team of specialists works in our COP9 practice to accompany children with ASD in ophthalmology. You can, in a single location, make an appointment of your child with:

Dr. Stéphanie Zwillinger COP9 team first offers you a first observation. Built closely with the medical team and depending on the young patient, this observation allows us to put individual reeducation sessions in place with an orthoptist and to pick the adapted pace for ophthalmologic appointments.

As a conclusion

Our practice has been designed as a welcoming and inclusive place. closer to a cozy apartment than a typical medical practice, it offers a soothing and ideal place to lead a therapeutic project for children with ASD in ophthalmology !

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