Myopia National Information and Screening Days are an opportunity for everyone to make their annual appointment to ensure they have good vision! It is also a time to learn about myopia, the importance of early detection and the need for visual correction and good eye care. This refractive disorder is explained to you in this article, as well as the stakes of this event, in which our ophthalmic surgeon, Dr Stéphanie Zwillinger, is participating.
What are the Myopia National Information and Screening Days?
COP9 is pleased to announce the first edition of the Myopia National Information and Screening Days. They will take place from Monday 21 to Friday 25 November 2022 in mainland France and the Réunion Island. Organised by the Institute of Medical Education and Prevention (IEMP – Institut d’Education Médicale et de Prévention), they provide everyone with access to myopia screening by an ophthalmic surgeon.
We would like to remind you that myopia is a vision disorder that affects 40% of the French population (article in French only), i.e. 1 in 4 adults and 20% of children under the age of 6. Myopia is defined by a visual field that allows you to see clearly at close range, but blurred at a distance (like a blurred “double vision” effect).
The wearing of glasses or contact lenses is prescribed by an ophthalmologist, orthoptist or contactologist. You can find these specialists in our COP9 multidisciplinary practice by making an appointment on our Doctolib.
As the name suggests, during the Myopia National Information and Screening Days, you will not only be made aware of this eye anomaly but also screened by a practitioner. This eye anomaly is explained by the curvature of the cornea: the eyeball may be too long, the cornea may be too curved, or both. It can also be an anomaly of the crystalline lens (located behind the iris).
To put it simply: light enters the eye, focused by the pupil and the lens. Then, the cells of the retina will transform the information of the light rays into a nerve message which is sent by the optic nerves to the brain. An emmetropic eye (without visual problems) will have sharp vision because the rays will converge and focus at the right place on the retina. However, a myopic eye (or both eyes) the light rays will not be able to focus at the right place on the retina, but before. This is why distance vision is blurred.
What are the objectives of the Myopia National Information and Screening Days?
The Myopia National Information and Screening Days have three objectives :
- to inform ;
- to screen ; and
- to mobilize the community of ophthalmologists and pediatricians.
Still too little known by the French population, myopia is the most common vision defect in our country. The National Days from Monday 21 to Friday 25 November 2022 are therefore an opportunity to inform and raise public awareness! You will find numerous resources on the website (available in French only).
The COP9 team and Dr Stéphanie Zwillinger would like to remind you of the importance of early detection of myopia: the earlier it appears in children, the more it will develop and worsen in adult life.
There are also 5 to 10% of cases of severe myopia in France: this type of myopia can lead to complications and even blindness. It is therefore important to be aware of this eye condition !
Finally, it is important to be informed on the question of eye surgery (myopia surgery): although it can restore normal vision to a myopic person, you should not forget to make regular appointments with your ophthalmologist!
Who are these Myopia National Information and Screening Days aimed at?
The Myopia National Information and Screening Days are for all patients. However, in order to ensure that appointments are available for those who are in particular need, the examinations in the ophthalmology center are aimed primarily at :
- children with a family history of myopia who have not had an ophthalmic appointment for more than a year;
- children and adolescents who have not had an appointment with an ophthalmologist
- students aged 18 to 26 who have not seen a specialist since they started university;
- adults with severe myopia (more than -6 dioptres);
- adults who have had myopia surgery and have not had an appointment with an ophthalmologist for more than two years.
How to participate in the Myopia National Information and Screening Days ?
Partner screening centers are available throughout France and the Réunion. Ophthalmologists and pediatricians alike will receive patients who wish to have their eyes examined or their myopia monitored during the Myopia National Information and Screening Days.
To find the nearest visual field professionals, you will need to log in on this page (available in French only) to enter your address, or to geolocate yourself. You will also have access to the following information:
- contact details of the specialist ;
- time slots to make an appointment.
Please note that this system will only work during the Myopia National Information and Screening Days from Monday 21 November to Friday 25 November 2022.
Dr Stéphanie Zwillinger is participating in the Myopia National Information and Screening Days!
Our ophthalmic surgeon, Dr Stéphanie Zwillinger, is one of the specialists who proposes an examination in her multidisciplinary center COP9, located at 76 rue Saint Lazare in Paris. Our professional may diagnose a possible visual disorder, and will propose a prescription corresponding to this need for optical correction, such as eyeglasses.
Moreover, Dr Stéphanie Zwillinger is specialized in myopia and pediatrics, don’t hesitate to watch this programme Les Maternelles (France 5 – program available in French only) where she participates as a referent ophthalmologist!
You can also read this « Top Santé » article (article available in French only), where our specialist discusses the signs of vision problems in children.
This campaign also has the professional support of many recognised health organizations, such as:
- the French National Syndicate of Ophthalmologists ;
- the Francophone Association of Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology
- the French Society of Ophthalmologists;
- the Reference Center for Rare Diseases in Ophthalmology;
- the Society of Neuro-Ophthalmo-Pediatrics.
Just a final word before the end of our article, if you notice any drop in acuity, dryness, migraine or eye fatigue, or if it seems to you that your child has poor eyesight, do not hesitate to go to the Myopia National Information and Screening Days! (web site available in French only)We invite you to follow us on social networks to keep up to date with the key moments of this event and our news! Follow this link for our Instagram or this one for our Facebook.