Our practice of psychomotor relaxation
Psychomotor relaxation accompanies the patient, whatever their age, in creating a sense of bodily, tonic and emotional dialogue. It allows
The graphomotor assessment is an assessment carried out by a psychomotor therapist, health professional, in order to analyze an individual’s motor and graphic skills.
Performed on medical prescription, the graphomotor assessment is presented to you in this COP9 article: continue reading!
The psychomotor therapist is the state-certified professional competent to identify and manage graphomotor disorders.
The psychomotor therapist will take into account all the processes related to handwriting in his graphomotor assessment.
He evaluates through various tests:
tonic, sensory, emotional organization;
motor and postural aspects;
temporo-spatial organization;
Psychomotricians can use the BHK scale to assess children and adolescents.
This type of assessment is often recommended as part of rehabilitation in cases of fine motor skills, writing or coordination disorders.
The graphomotor assessment makes it possible to identify difficulties linked to carrying out precise gestures, such as holding a pencil, drawing lines or forming letters.
It also aims to assess the coordination of movements, laterality, as well as the quality of writing.
Thanks to specific exercises, the psychomotor therapist can identify possible disorders of fine motor skills, visual-motor coordination, or even underlying cognitive disorders.
During this assessment, different tasks are proposed to the individual, such as hand-eye coordination exercises, shape replication activities, laterality tests or even writing tests.
These assessments make it possible to obtain an overall vision of the person’s graphomotor skills and to implement a personalized rehabilitation program.
A graphomotor disorder, also called dysgraphia, is a specific learning disorder that manifests itself in difficulties with handwriting.
Children with dysgraphia may have difficulty holding a pencil correctly, forming letters legibly and fluently, maintaining letter alignment and size, and organizing their text on the page.
This disorder may be of neurological origin, affecting the cognitive and motor functions necessary for writing, or be linked to other disorders such as dyspraxia or dyslexia. It can also be associated with oral and written language disorders, such as dysorthography.
A psychomotrician can screen for and diagnose graphomotor disorders during a graphomotor assessment.
If you notice that your child has difficulty writing, don’t hesitate to talk to us about it. The COP9 team is connected to a network of psychomotricians in Paris.
Depending on the results of the graphomotor assessment, the psychomotor therapist may prescribe specific rehabilitation sessions, aimed at improving the individual’s graphic skills.
These sessions can be conducted individually, in a suitable room, and can be structured around coordination exercises, gestures, or even adapted school learning.
A psychomotor therapist can also offer psychomotor relaxation sessions, specializing in the Soubiran method.
Children suffering from dysgraphia may also have behavioral, coordination or attention problems, and it is therefore important to take into account all of their needs to enable them to thrive at school and in their daily life.
The graphomotor assessment is an essential tool allowing an accurate diagnosis of fine motor skills and writing disorders, in order to implement appropriate rehabilitation and promote the psychomotor and cognitive development of the individual.
It is part of a multidisciplinary approach, with a psychomotor therapist, in order to support each patient suffering from graphomotor difficulties.
Psychomotor relaxation accompanies the patient, whatever their age, in creating a sense of bodily, tonic and emotional dialogue. It allows
Specialized in the rehabilitation of psychomotor disorders, the profession of a psychomotor therapist is however often misunderstood. In this article,
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