What are… the daytime management lenses?

The daytime management lenses are designed to correct myopia, while slowing the growth of the eyeball. Thanks to this new braking technique, it is possible to control progressive myopia in children and adolescents.

Our COP9 team and Dr Stéphanie Zwillinger invite you to continue reading to find out the key information on this type of optical device.

Boitier de lentilles avec des lentilles freinatrices de jour.

How do

daytime management lenses work?

Daytime blocking lenses are based on technology that allows:


  • correction of myopia;

  • a slowdown in the lengthening of the myopic eye.


This type of lens is composed of a central correction zone, which allows the myopic eye to see correctly, as well as a treatment zone which allows myopic defocus on the retina.

Daytime management lenses exist, as well as classic lenses, in different types of lenses:


  • daily soft lenses;

  • monthly soft lenses;

  • quarterly soft lenses;

  • annual rigid lenses.


Do not hesitate to read our article dedicated to the different types of lenses.

Who can wear

daytime management lenses?

Daytime management lenses can be worn by children and adolescents with progressive myopia.


These lenses designed to slow down myopia can be worn by young patients with high myopia, up to -15 diopter depending on the brand chosen.


Moreover, not only can they be worn by children with myopia, but also by children having astigmatism. However, astigmatism must be less than -1.00 diopter to make the daytime management lenses efficient.


Dr Stéphanie Zwillinger, an ophthalmologist surgeon specializing in pediatrics, will therefore carry out a complete ophthalmological examination of your child with her COP9 team.

Adolescente face à son miroir, elle met des lentilles freinatrices de jour.

She will take the following elements into account before offering you the best solution for your child’s vision.


  • his age ;

  • the date of onset of his myopia;

  • the degree of his myopia;

  • the measurements of the eye and cornea.


The question of lifestyle as well as sporting activities comes into account: any aquatic sport is incompatible with the choice of daytime management lenses for safety reasons.

In addition, a discussion is held on the question of the child’s motivation, as well as his expectations, in the presence and with the agreement of the parents.

When to start wearing daytime management lenses?

Dr Stéphanie Zwillinger advises you to start treating myopia in children as soon as it progresses significantly.

It can be defined by a minimal progression of -0.5 diopters per year, or by an increase of 0.2mm in the axial length of the eye. Both can be observed simultaneously.

The earlier the use of optical devices allowing the reduction of myopia is started, the more effective it will be. It is therefore possible to offer you daytime management lenses, but also myopia control glasses in addition to the lenses.

It is important to take into account the age and maturity of the child to ensure their ability to put on, remove and care for daytime management lenses on a daily basis.

Hygiene is an extremely important point in the process of wearing contact lenses: our contactologist offers you an informative appointment on this subject if necessary, do not hesitate to meet her.

What are the benefits of

daytime management lenses?

Daytime management lenses offer many advantages:


  • aesthetic (no more need to wear glasses);

  • comfortable for practicing sports (except aquatic);

  • reduction of myopia progress.


Let’s go into detail on the issue of reducing the rate of myopia progression.


A recent study, based on soft daily lenses with Activ Control® technology, demonstrated a reduction in myopia by 59% over three years, in children aged from 8 to 12. Myopia continues to slow down over the next 3 years, by 52%.


The COP9 team nevertheless reminds you that daytime brake lenses, as well as any system to slow down myopia, do not make this refractive disorder disappear.

Jeune garçon asiatique portant une lentille freinatrice de jour sur le bout de son doigt.

In conclusion


Daytime blocking lenses help correct your child’s vision, while slowing the progression of their myopia. This alternative can be suggested by your ophthalmologist to allow your child to no longer wear glasses. Daytime brake lenses exist in different types of contact lenses, in order to offer optimal daily comfort.


Finally, it will be important to respect the frequency of renewal, the duration of wearing as well as the rules of hygiene (washing the hands, using a contact lens product, etc.). Do not hesitate to read our articles dedicated to this subject below to find out more!

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