Chalazion treatment by Dr. Stéphanie Zwillinger

Let’s avoid Chalazion’s complications!

Even though chalazion is not contagious, it still represents a real discomfort for the patient. Itching, irritations, the feeling of foreign material in the eye… To avoid superinfection or any complication, we will address the main questions you could have regarding the chalazion and its treatment by Dr. Stéphanie Zwillinger in this article!

the chalazion

What is

a chalazion ?

Not to be confused with a stye or a blepharitis, a chalazion is an inflammatory and non infectious type of ocular disease. The inflammation resides in the eyelid, and more precisely in the meibomian glands.

The cyst appears in the eyelid, as a thick and firm ball. Both upper and lower eyelids can be affected. The chalazion generates a redness in the inflamed area.

The chalazion often manifests as a swelling in the thickness of the eyelid’s edge, and more precisely at the base of the eyelashes.

Do not worry, since a chalazion is a benign ophthalmologic pathology: you just need to make an appointment with our ophthalmologist, or your referring physiologist, to get a treatment or a surgical procedure, based on the evolution of the chalazion.

Why do we get

a chalazion ?

The reason why a chalazion appears is, most of the time, unknown. However, we can easily explain the symptoms!

The meibomian glands are located inside the eyelid’s epidermis. They assure the lipid production of the tears, which prevents the lachrymal film on our eyeballs from evaporating. Very useful, they will also hydrate our cornea.

But when the chalazion obstructs these glands, the sebum gets stuck and cannot correctly flow out. Quickly, it will create a burning sensation as well as a swollen eyelid.

What are

the causes behind a chalazion ?

Causes behind a chalazion are external and can happen at any age: both children or adults can be affected. Furthermore, no proof has ever been provided regarding a psychosomatic origin. We sometimes observe chronic chalazia, but they match a precise medical profile.

Here’s a list of external elements that foster the presence of a chalazion:

  • autoimmune disease;
  • a lack of ocular hygiene care;
  • pollution;
  • allergies (home, seasonal, etc.);
  • ocular drought.

We strongly recommend you to take proper care of your eyes and to raise awareness among your loved ones, particularly when it comes to wearing contact lenses. Two more tips? Regularly wash your hands and use physiological serum!


How to quickly cure a chalazion ?

It depends on the chalazion! In some rare cases, it can cure itself in just a few days. Most of the time, this ocular disease takes a few weeks, with an appropriate treatment prescribed by your family practitioner. However the irritation or the tearing continues, it becomes necessary to consult your ophthalmologist to undergo an ambulatory surgery


While waiting for your complete healing, you can always relieve your affected eyelid (either upper or lower) by:

  • humidifying a sterile compress with hot water and delicately place it on your closed eye;
  • wash your eyelid with physiological serum. Do not use any eye drop if not prescribed by your physician! 
  • gently massage the chalazion in order to evacuate the contents stuck in the gland.


the chalazion require surgery ?

Your ophthalmologist only considers the procedure if the eye drop treatment failed. The chalazion (non inflammatory) will then be removed during a quick and painless surgical procedure.

The surgical act is performed under local anesthesia as an out-patient procedure. Dr. Stéphanie Zwillinger incises the cyst in order to drain it. The cut is clean and small enough not to leave any scaron the eyelid. You then only need to follow the postoperative care (resuming in an ophthalmologic ointment) to allow the inflammation and the cyst to resorb themselves.

And above all : never, in any case, try to puncture the chalazion at home. Not only is it a dangerous and painful thing to do, but there’s also the risk of the infection and the cyst worsening.

chalazion treatment

As a conclusion

Contrary to conjunctivitis, chalazion is a non transmittable ocular disease. It causes ocular irritation and swollen eyelids. An antibiotic ointment is prescribed as the first treatment. If it fails, a surgical procedure will be scheduled. Thanks to a simple and tiny incision, Dr. Stéphanie Zwillinger can relieve you. Do not wait for your chalazion to get worse, and make an appointment as soon as possible!

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