How do we define a therapeutic project in psychomotor skills?

How do we define a therapic project in psychomotor skills at COP9 ?

In order to be able to offer each child, adult or elderly person appropriate psychomotor rehabilitation, it is necessary for a psychomotor therapist to define a therapeutic psychomotor project.

Find out how a disorder screening is carried out with adapted psychomotor tests, the psychomotor assessment, its analysis and more that we explain to you in this COP9 article!

Who carries out a

psychomotor therapy project?

A therapeutic psychomotor project is set up by a psychomotor therapist.


This profession in the paramedical field supports and treats the psychomotor disorders of a person at any age: young children, children and adolescents, able-bodied adults or those with disabilities, seniors, etc.


This therapeutic project is developed after a complete psychomotor assessment, which we explain to you below, makes it possible to evaluate the different aspects of motor skills, psychomotor development and body schema but also learning difficulties, speech disorders. attention and concentration, disorders, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, geriatrics, etc.

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The therapeutic project in psychomotor skills: carrying out a psychomotor assessment

The psychomotor assessment is an evaluation of the patient’s sensory, practical, kinesthetic, gnostic and relational potentials.

This therapist combines qualitative observations (behavioral particularities, emotional reactions, bodily ease, etc.) with quantitative data (ratings and numerical results from different standardized tests aimed at evaluating certain psychomotor areas).

Considering the results of the different tests allows interpretation (giving meaning to the results) while situating the person according to their age with regard to a standard.

The psychomotor assessment is a snapshot at a “T” moment of development which evolves from day to day.

The therapeutic project in psychomotor skills:

analyzing the results

Depending on the concerned area, the ratings of psychomotor tests allow the therapist to situate a result as:


  • above the average age of the child;

  • consistent with expected performance;

  • slightly below expected performance (we will speak of a “zone of fragility”, which may suggest a slight deficit to be monitored);

  • significantly below expected performance (we will speak of a “pathological zone”, which may suggest a disorder as well as appropriate treatment).

graphomotricité TDAH projet therapeuthique

The therapeutic project in psychomotor skills:
the evaluated motor functions

During the assessment, different psychomotor functions will be assessed:

  • tone; 
  • laterality;
  • gross motor skills;
  • coordinations-dissociations;
  • fine motor skills and graphomotor skills;
  • body schema and body image;
  • spatial location and visuo-constructive abilities.


Following this assessment, your psychomotor therapist diagnoses your needs and sets up psychomotor rehabilitation, which may include relaxation techniques, we talk about it in this article!

The therapeutic project in psychomotor skills:

psychomotor sessions

The psychomotor therapist, a paramedical specialist, sets up individual psychomotor sessions, combining motor, bodily, sensory and emotional activities, in order to stimulate the person’s motor, cognitive and emotional functions.


These psychomotor skills sessions aim to help the person develop their tone, their fine and gross motor skills, their laterality, their coordination, their management of space and time, their relationship with others, their self-confidence, their emotional expression, their impulse control, etc.

The therapeutic project in psychomotor skills is part of a global approach to the person, taking into account their psychomotor development, their emotional experience, their relational difficulties, their behavioral disorders, their attention disorders, their language disorders, etc.

The therapeutic project in psychomotor skills: a COP9 multidisciplinary approach!

Psychomotor therapy is carried out in collaboration with other health professionals, such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists or psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, etc. within a multidisciplinary team.

This therapeutic psychomotor project can be adapted according to the needs and progress of the person, and is subject to a medical prescription.

In our COP9 area, you’ll find a team of orthoptists, a contactologist, led by Dr Stéphanie Zwillinger, ophthalmic surgeon, and a network of psychomotricians for a coordinated, personalised care pathway!

In conclusion


A therapeutic project in psychomotor skills aims to offer the patient re-education, rehabilitation and rehabilitation of a person’s psychomotor functions, in a global and multidisciplinary approach, to promote their well-being, their autonomy and their development in their daily life.

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