Why carry out a vision assessment for the start of the school year?

Seeing well at school and following well in class are linked: fact or fiction?

The COP9 team informs you that it is true!

The start of the school year is a crucial period for children and adolescents, marked by new academic and social challenges…

In this context, a vision assessment is essential to ensure good visual health and optimize learning.

Carry out a vision assessment to be able to follow well in class

Carrying out a vision assessment for the start of the school year is essential to detect vision problems in our children.


Indeed, vision plays a vital role in receiving information and interacting with the school environment.


An undetected visual defect can lead to vision problems and vision disorders that directly impact academic success.


Health professionals emphasize the importance of consulting an eye specialist, including a pediatric ophthalmologist like Dr. Stéphanie Zwillinger, for an eye exam adapted to each child’s age.

Who performs my child's visual assessment?

The visual assessment is performed by an ophthalmologist or an orthoptist. Their expertise allows them to assess visual acuity and the quality of vision.

This ophthalmological examination includes an eye test, a measurement of the visual acuity of each eye, as well as color vision (from 6 years old).

Finally, the optician can also play a role in adapting the optical correction frame, whether for a child who is myopic, hyperopic, or astigmatic.

Meet our multidisciplinary team in our accessible and inclusive office to carry out this assessment, with our orthoptists Justine and Margaux, as well as Dr. Stéphanie Zwillinger, our ophthalmologist specializing in pediatrics!

What are the eye diseases and disorders detected by a vision assessment?

Il est essentiel que les enfants soient examinés régulièrement, car des pathologies comme le strabisme ou l’amblyopie, connues pour affecter la vision binoculaire (les deux yeux) et l’accommodation, peuvent devenir plus difficiles à traiter si elles ne sont pas identifiées tôt.


De nombreuses pathologies et troubles oculaires, tels que la myopie, l’hypermétropie, ou l’astigmatisme, peuvent affecter la capacité d’un élève à lire le tableau, à travailler sur ses manuels, écrire ses devoirs et leçons… 


Ces troubles de la réfraction se manifestent parfois par des symptômes tels que la fatigue visuelle, des maux de tête, ou encore une vision floue, nécessitant souvent le port de lunettes.

What tests are included in the vision assessment?

The vision assessment often includes a complete eye exam, which measures various aspects of vision, including near and distance vision, as well as the visual field.

Fundus examination assesses the health of the retina and optic nerve, crucial elements for detecting eye abnormalities such as glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy.

Functional vision tests can also reveal subtle visual defects, requiring specific optical correction.

Les explorations fonctionnelles de la vision peuvent également révéler des défauts visuels subtils, nécessitant une correction optique spécifique.

The importance of an early vision assessment

Early detection of vision disorders is crucial in the vision assessment before the start of the school year.


Untreated visual impairments can lead to learning difficulties, frustration, and even a loss of motivation in studies!


A vision assessment, including evaluation of peripheral vision and fundus examination, is essential for diagnosing serious eye disorders such as retinopathy or glaucoma.


Family history can also influence the need for additional examinations to detect possible vision problems.

What are the prescriptions proposed after a vision assessment?

If an anomaly is detected during the visual assessment, whether it is a refractive disorder or a pathology, suitable solutions can be implemented quickly.

Dr. Stéphanie Zwillinger can offer you, depending on your child’s profile:



A child’s good vision is essential for their academic development, hence the importance of correcting any identified refractive disorder!

And after the visual assessment? COP9 orthoptic rehabilitation

Orthoptics, practiced by our orthoptist team composed of Margot and Justine, aims to improve the coordination of eye movements and binocular vision, based on the previously performed visual assessment.


Vision rehabilitation exercises may be recommended for certain conditions such as low vision or eye deviations.

For young people with strabismus or amblyopia, it is crucial to adjust their prescription to ensure good visual acuity!

In conclusion

It is imperative not to neglect children’s eye health as the start of the school year approaches.


A thorough vision assessment, including measuring visual acuity and screening for vision problems, helps diagnose and address potential abnormalities, ensuring that each student can fully enjoy their school year.


By providing the best possible visual foundation, you contribute to your child’s academic success. An essential investment in their eye health and their academic future!

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